Parkinson beyond motor symptoms

Le Stadium, 1 All. Gabriel Biénès, 31000 Toulouse

Saturday 9th of November 2024
from 1:30pm to 5:30pm (UTC+02:00)

The “Discovery area” serves as an introduction to the conference, and opens at 1:30pm. You'll be able to wander around and try out the various stands on offer. They will also be open after the conference, but you run the risk of not being able to do them all. 

Conference  2:30pm to  4:30pm

Marie FUZZATI (Moderator)


Mathilde BOUSSAC

Margherita FABBRI

Florence SORDES

Discovery area

Poster to learn more about the disease and research on Parkinson 

Observation of brain cells with a digital microscope 

Presentation of the “Striatum”, a playful and educational board game  

Discover France Parkinson's local activities  

Presentation of BeatMove, a music-based walking aid to favour physical activity 

Poster presentation by young researchers funded by France Parkinson


Mathilde BOUSSAC

Mathilde BOUSSAC

Toulouse NeuroImaging Center (ToNIC), University of Toulouse

Personality assessment in Parkinson's disease, a personalized medicine approach

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Margherita FABBRI

Margherita FABBRI

Clinical Investigation Center Clinique, CHU of Toulouse

Connected objects in the management of Parkinson's disease

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Florence SORDES

Florence SORDES

Toulouse Jean Jaurès University

Quality of life for carepartners of people living with Parkinson’s disease

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Parkinson Expert Center, CHU of Toulouse

How can we better manage pain in Parkinson's disease?

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Magali BARAT

Magali BARAT

Striatum, the game that makes your brain work!

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Chirine KATRIB

Chirine KATRIB

Behind the scenes of fundamental research: microscope observation

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Toulouse NeuroImaging Center (UMR 1214, INSERM/Toulouse III University)

Effects of foot reflexology on pain in Parkinson’s disease

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Motor Control and Cognition team

Neurofeedback: a potential method to downregulate pathological brain activity?

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Morgane PRIME

Morgane PRIME

Inflammatory Diseases of the Central Nervous System: Mechanisms and Therapies

Functional characterization of microglia in Parkinson's disease - roles of Foxo3

See more

How do I get there?




Lane A, Lestang or Esquirol stop

Lane B, St-Michel M. Langer or Empalot stop

Lanes T1 or T2, arrêts Croix de Pierre et Ile du Ramier

L4 – L5 – 34 – 11 – 52 – 152, stop at Stadium Est – Stadium Ouest 


Free parking nearby

4000 parking spots available


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